Thursday, September 5, 2013

essential oils and the beginnings of a love affair.

i would like to begin the first of many posts on essential oils,
 with how our little love affair came to be.

it all began a little over one year ago...

well, actually much earlier than that.
in order to truly understand our relationship with essential oils we must go back to the
winter of 2010-2011.

our sweet Kale was around 15months old and we were a mere two weeks away from
delivering our baby boy #2.

a bad bout of pneumonia and rsv had kale hospitalized two different times within two weeks, the second one being the night we brought madden home from the hospital.

to say this was a difficult time for us would be an understatement.

little did we know that it was only the beginning of years of severe respiratory issues for our little guy.

years of daily steroid preventative breathing treatments,
regular emergency trips to the pediatrician or emergency room,
several additional hospital stays,
countless nights up holding our son as he took breathing treatment after breathing treatment,
multiple rounds of prednisone and steroid shots to help with the more severe attacks,
and days upon days upon days of hurting for our sweet boy.

fast forward to a year ago, the summer of 2012. 

we were desperate for a change,
unwilling to accept that this was our son's lot in life,
and determined to find alternatives to the prescription medications that his little body was growing dependent on and suffering from.

i began what would end up being a very long and rewarding journey of researching everything i could find about alternative health practices for respiratory issues/asthma.

i scoured articles, medical research and personal testimonies of others in similar situations...
i literally sought out as much information as i could find and eventually began lingering in the region of essential oils.

the first two oils i began using for kale were oregano and eucalyptus. 

i stopped using the daily steroid preventative treatments cold turkey, but kept the albuterol on hand for emergencies.

i saw almost immediate improvements, especially in the frequency of attacks.
they decreased drastically.

after a year of using these two oils alone and only a few emergency asthma attacks later, i returned to the essential oils drawing board, aware that i had MUCH to learn.

i felt that i had only begun to scratch the surface of all that essential oils could do.

and that is when i found doTERRA!
(you can click on the link to go to my doTERRA page)

i would love to talk with you or answer any quesitons you may have about the use of essential oils!

we are now using them in our home for a myriad of ailments, and seeing significant benefits!

"...their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for healing.”
ezekiel 47:12

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