Sunday, September 15, 2013

i would choose you.

(( pics from a morning coffee date with our boys ))

"he loved her, of course, but better than that, he chose her, day after day. 
choice: that was the thing."
- sherman alexie -

i read this quote the other day and life instantly stood still for that moment.

i felt it all.

the glory of being chosen by my God in the midst of my humanness.

the beauty of being chosen by R, day after day, in spite of my shortcomings.

the gift of loving and being loved by three precious little lives.

i started this little tradition with my boys that i once heard shared by a speaker.

i wish i could remember who, so that i could give credit, but the words he shared sank so deep into my heart, that i carried them into my little family.

i tell my K things such as, "did you know that if God lined up allll the little boys with chocolate drop eyes and sandy brown hair, I would choose you?"

"and did you know if God lined up alllllll the little boys who were four years old and liked spider man and army guys and coloring and wrestling, that I would choose you?"

and I tell my M, "did you know if God lined up allllll the little boys with blueberry eyes and freckled noses, that I would choose you?"

"and if he lined up alllll the little boys who like buzz lightyear and running through the sprinkler and wrestling with their daddy, that I would choose you?"

and to my T, "did you know if God lined up allllll the little babies with perfectly dimpled hands and deliciously chubby thighs that i would choose you?"

"and if He lined up allllll the little babies with beautiful long lashes, who love to be held and snuggled all day , that i would choose you?"

"that every time, day after day, I would choose you." 

my heart is full.
oh how my heart is full.

and i love, because He first loved me. 

linking up with the better mom, julie, and lowercase letters  

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