Tuesday, February 25, 2014

running while pregnant.

i took a little stroll down memory lane and looked back at some of our pictures taken while on some of our runs this past summer. K would seriously fall asleep every time. and who can resist taking a picture of a sleeping babe???!

before the start of this pregnancy, I was in the best running shape of my life. running has always been something i enjoyed, but it wasn't until this last year that i fell in love with it in a new way. for the first time, i considered myself "a runner" and realized it had made its way into a permanent place in my heart. i knew i would be a runner for life. 

i actually ran my first half marathon this last october. i was addicted to everything about it. running was a part of me.

we found out a few weeks later that i was actually pregnant during that half marathon and would be expecting our sweet #4 in the summer of 2014. i was ecstatic and fully prepared to continue running throughout my pregnancy. I had been hesitant to run during some of my other pregnancies because of some of the common misconceptions about running while pregnant. (this girl wrote a great post about some of the common myths about exercising while pregnant...i would definitely recommend checking it out, along with some of her other running/exercise posts). 

however, the exhaustion of the first trimester, over a month of traveling, the lack of energy to push all three boys, and the cold winter weather all combined forces to knock me off my running momentum. at one point, i went a month without running at all. and i missed it more than i expected. it was like a best friend just disappeared and i couldn't figure out how to reconnect.

welllll, now half way through my pregnancy, my sweet husband surprised me with my very own treadmill. we found a little nook in the playroom that just barely fits the machine, but is perfect. i usually run in the mornings while the boys are playing, but sometimes wait until nap time just so i can zone out a little more. while i will always be an "outside runner" at heart, i am fully at peace with the fact that there are seasons of my life where running outside isn't realistic. i could run while ricky watches the boys, but because of his schedule, that would require me to run in the early morning or late evening dark...and i am just not an "in the dark" runner. i get spooked far too easily. :) 

to have running back in my life, in any form, has been wonderful! running is euphoric for me and highly therapeutic. i process through things in my life that need attention, i pray, i dream...as of late, my thoughts tend to be geared towards labor and delivery. i am very cerebral in the midst of physical exertion, so i find myself mentally preparing for labor while pushing my body, whether its running or yoga or any other activity that requires mental toughness. i enjoy pushing myself mentally just as much as i do physically. i visualize how i will deal with a surge or contraction when it comes. will i tense up in fear and forget to breathe, or will i breathe into that sensation as it is happening in my body, greeting it and making friends with it. i choose to welcome pain and discomfort, for that is where beauty often comes to life and significant change/growth takes place. 

all in all, i am thrilled to be back on the running bandwagon while pregnant...although i won't be running any marathons any time soon :) (i am super impressed by the women who do!).  

** this post is strictly about my personal experiences. if you are pregnant and considering exercise of any kind, i highly recommend you talk to your health care provider...and always always always, listen to your body!! 


  1. I feel like I could have written this post myself! Except I'm pregnant with my first child.
    I was in the best shape of my life last fall...running a full marathon in Sept. Since crossing that finish line, I have only run about 10 times. yikes :/
    Thanks for posting, and motivating me to get my butt into gear...no excuses!

    1. Hi Suzanne! Congratulations on running your first full marathon last fall (definitely a goal of mine some day!!) and more importantly, congratulations on your first little one!!! And I am right there with you...no more excuses!! Thanks for stopping by!
