Friday, September 5, 2014

a portrait // vol. 2.

// a weekly portrait //

 // kale //
oh boy. you turn 5 this month, and every time i open my mouth to say that, my heart skips a beat. these last five years have been the best years of my life, simply because you have been in them. you teach me new things every single day.
this picture captures you perfectly in so many ways. you are such a detailed, focused, creative, studious, imaginative little boy. you create works of art all day long, and are so 
proud of your creations.
i hope you are always this proud of everything you set your hands and heart to.
i know i will be.  

// madden // 
in some ways, i feel like you have had the hardest time with the transition of a new baby in the home, as well as daddy being super busy again with football season. you have been sneaking out at night after your brothers are asleep, just to have a little extra time alone with mama and daddy. i have also been waking up to you in my bed every morning, snuggled close, asking for a back scratch.
your dad and i are sensitive to this, and will give you as much extra assurance of our love and security as you need.
we will make sure that your love tank is full.

 // tobin //
you are dressed in your pj's, all ready for bed. it never fails that if you are around when i am emptying the dishwasher, you will be right there, ready to help. we have deemed the silverware as your job. you know exactly which drawer they go in and are so careful to walk every single piece over to their exact place. it usually takes you just as long to do the silverware, as it does for me to empty everything else, so it works out perfect.
you and i are such a good team. 

// ellis //
you, my dear, are the cuddliest little dream ever. i always have a hard time picking pictures of you because i take a ridiculous amount each day. i can't help it, though. you are simply divine.
i love this picture because of your delicious cheeks. i can't even handle how kissable they are!
you absolutely love baths, which i give to you in the mornings, with the morning light streaming in on you. i'm starting to think you will be a lover of the water, just like your mama.
kindred spirits, we are. 

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