Friday, January 17, 2014


Drinking water with some lemon squeezed in. but i would rather be drinking coffee...with creamer. :)

Feeling tired. and excited. tired because i have been up for most of the last two nights with a sick baby and excited about all that the future holds for my little family.

Appreciating the fact that essential oils are helping my baby get over his sickness. i love knowing i am helping him with something that is completely natural. 

Reading actually nothing at the moment. i am in need of a few new good books if anyone has some recommendations.  

Watching the second episode of the bachelor. i am ashamed to admit this. ;)

Going to celebrate my #2's third birthday this weekend. i get giddy just thinking about it and at the same time, a lump is forming in my baby is turning into a little boy. bitter sweet for sure! 

Starting to realize that i can go after my dreams and not be ashamed to do so. it is freeing, really.

Dreaming of who this new little person is going to be. it is funny how you spend a whole nine months imagining about who this person is, and then once they are here, you simply cannot imagine not ever knowing them.

Waiting anxiously to find out if we are having a boy or girl.

Praying that i would be more disciplined and organized. i lack both in a pretty significant way.

Sleeping in tomorrow because it is saturday and my hubby is so good to get up with the boys. i'm already excited just thinking about it!

Remembering both of my sweet grandfathers. they both passed away last week so celebrating and remembering their lives has been on the forefront of my mind.

Wondering why my house always looks like a mess. oh yeah, because i have three little boys and even when i do clean, it can look like a tornado ran through it not ten minutes later. i honestly gave up a long time ago. playing with them and joining them in the mess is so much more fun anyway. aye yi yi.  :)

Wearing some yoga pants and a v-neck white t-shirt. comfortably comes before just about everything these days.

Making some goals for myself this year. and challenging myself to truly go after them.

Getting antsy to change something in my house. i thrive on change...hence the reason i recently chopped my hair off.

Loving mi familia. they are the best. ever.

Enjoying some quiet, peaceful time tonight as two of my boys are sleeping and the other is on a one-on-one "daddy hangout" at a high school basket ball game.

idea from kaylee
linking up with a mama collective and Liz

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