I am sharing a few more of my favorite blogs today. I have been so blessed by each if these ladies and their stories! I hope you hop on over and check them out...you will be so very encouraged.
Thank you, ladies, for sharing today!
Hi there!
My name is Tara, I'm married to Coach Sims and we have two children - Olivia & Jonah.
We live in a small town in Texas and we love it!
I enjoy going back to the city for fun & shopping, but my heart is here.
Three things that are important to us are Faith, Family & Football. First and foremost, I owe all that I am and all that I ever will be to my Lord and Savior.
He is the beginning and the end.
I am forever thankful for His grace & mercy. I strive to be the best wife & mama I can be...
Family is important to me and I want to create a fun childhood for our children. I want them to carry with them wonderful memories that will last a lifetime.
If you are familiar with Texas High School Football then you know it’s a big thing here...
One of my favorite places to be is under those Friday Night Lights.
I love supporting my husband as he is chasing his dreams as an Athletic Director and Head Football Coach.
He puts countless hours into his passion and I want to see him succeed.We believe....“Do it all for the glory of God...” Colossians 3:17
You can find Tara here.http://mrscoachsims.blogspot.com/
And on Instagram: @MRS_COACH_SIMS
I'm probably just like you: a wife and mama living each day trusting in my Savior. But my life, most likely, looks just a tad bit different as my little tribe and I have settled down our roots at the base of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa. The Lord has me and my bearded man on an incredible journey of directing "Kingdom Families"--a program that is helping to empower Tanzanian families to care for and raise orphaned, Tanzanian children. Our heart is to see the millions of orphans in Tanzania be placed in loving, forever families while remaining fully intact to their unique, Tanzanian culture. It's an incredible process and it excites our hearts to see children and families forever changed by the Father heart of God. For me, missionary life is always an adventure, especially while raising our sweet 2 year old named Promise and being pregnant with baby #2 (a little man-cub, due in December). My blog, The Beauty of Becoming, is all about the journey of being a modern day woman who is seeking to thrive in this "on mission" type life. So come get to know us and stick around for the journey. :) It's a bit crazy at times, but I wouldn't have it any other way. :)
Join in on the journey!
My Blog: www.becomingm.com
My Facebook Page:www.facebook.com/becomingmblog
My Instagram: @thebeautyofbecoming
Thank you so much, Katie!